15 Sep 9 Steps from Employee to Entrepreneur
9 Steps from Employee to Entrepreneur
1. Start with a clear end goal in mind: You can’t reach your goals if you don’t have any goals.
2. Find people who can help you: Mentors can help you navigate your new course and help you stay on the right path. Choose people who are already successful entrepreneurs. The wrong advice from the wrong person can set you back.
3. Identify your customers: Who will be buying your product or service? How will you market to them?
4. Develop your plan: Know where you are going, and have your map on how to get there.
5. Act outside of the box: Thinking outside of the box is nothing if there is no action behind the thought.
6. Set It Up: Start to sell your product
7. Get Feedback: Listen to the compliments and criticisms of your customers. Adjust as necessary
8. Rework your budget and marketing plan: Start to plan for the transition to work on your business full time.
9. Leave your job: The time will come when you will need to make the choice to leave your current position and work on your new venture full time or stay where you are. The numbers don’t lie. Look at them.
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