About me

Every once in a while, we all need a kick in the butt to either get us started or to re-energize our efforts. Within the pages of this website, you will find tips, words of advice, and blogs that can help you decide where to start and how to get there.  With coaching sessions from Angela Thompson, you can get the extra boost you need get started on the things you have procrastinated on, give you direction on the things you are unsure about, and help you boost your confidence to move towards the life you know you deserve.

Founder | Tech Investor | Speaker

Angela J Thompson is a well known founder and entrepreneur. Angela has created tech and brick and mortar companies from a start-up tech company to a management company. Her newest venture is MarriageMindedOnly.com

She has had documented success, which has produced ten’s of millions in revenue for each project.

She has been featured in many publications including the Huffington Post.


She has the business experience to coach you to your highest and best in your business.


Conversations with Angela started when a busy CEO of a Real Estate based company started getting too many personal chatty calls from her friends and realized “they” were enjoying them too much! Time is money she told herself, but then again, she was not losing money. She had figured out how to chat while working. There was a looming question though, who could she call for an un biased girlfriend, mother/daughter, sister/friend type chat without wearing out her close family and friends?

CEO/Author/Producer/Speaker/Motivator will inspire you in more of a kick your butt fashion.

Contact her when failure is not an option!